Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Immanuel Lutheran Church (LCMS), Rural Hooper, NE

Immanuel Lutheran Church of rural Hooper, NE was constructed in 1951. During the late 1940s and early 1950s, there was a brief revival of the English neo-gothic style of church architecture. This church demonstrates the typical sensibilities of this movement: small windows, heavy beam ceiling, and long, narrow nave.

The nave is clean cut and leads nicely into the carved ceiling beams and chancel. The church is quite large for a rural parish.

The windows feature various scriptural and doctrinal symbols.

The altar also falls in line with the English neo-gothic style: relatively low, with a rich dossal. The chamber to the left of the chancel holds a Reuter pipe organ. More information about this organ, including a stoplist is available here.


Anonymous said...

I've worshipped here. Very traditional. Members are from rural Winslow and have worshipped there for years. Small, friendly church. School recently closed.

Chase M. Becker said...

@Anonymous - Thanks for sharing your insights!

I do want to clarify that Immanuel Lutheran School is still open. I visited the congregation in January of this year and while small, the school is still going strong.